Newtown Spring Volleyball Clinics

Newtown Spring Volleyball Clinics

Day: Tuesday

Dates: 22nd April - 27th May

Times: 5pm-6pm - 8 - 11 year olds

6pm-7pm - 12 - 14 year olds

7pm-8pm - HS players

Location: Dickinson Town Park, Newtown

Register: Register Here (you will be transferred to an external site)

Description: CT Sports Network will be holding Tuesday afternoon volleyball clinics throughout the spring on the sand court at Dickinson Park.

The clinics are open to both new and experienced players and our master coaches and staff will focus on teaching skills, rotations, game scenarios and the rules of the game in a fun filled environment. Our clinics are open to players aged 8 through 18 years of age. 

All activities will take place in an atmosphere which promotes good sportsmanship, teamwork and most of all, FUN!

All participants should have athletic shoes (or sandsox), water and you may also wish to bring your knee pads as well.

Sports Network will once again be providing volleyball clinics for players aged 8 - 18 years old on a Friday night but this time outside on the sand court at the Surf Club.

The clinics are open to both new and experienced players and our master coaches will focus on teaching skills, rotations, game scenarios and the rules of the game in a fun filled environment. All activities will take place in an atmosphere which promotes good sportsmanship, teamwork and most of all, FUN!
All participants should have athletic shoes (or sandsox), water and you may also wish to bring your knee pads as well.

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